Internal Functions

These functions are designed to be used only by Liquid Prompt internals and data functions. These functions should not be used by users or themes, as they are not guaranteed to be stable between versions. There are documented here for information for those developing Liquid Prompt.



Load the user config and default config values. This function is called by lp_activate().

Also setup color variables that can be used by the user for their color config. Those variables are local to this function.

If the --no-config flag is passed, defaults are set, but no config file is sourced.

Changed in version 2.0: Renamed from _lp_source_config. Added --no-config flag.


__lp_background_color(color) var:ab_color

Returns the terminal escape code to set the background color to the ANSI escape color code integer color. No checking is done for invalid color codes.

New in version 1.12.

Changed in version 2.0: Renamed from background_color.

__lp_foreground_color(color) var:af_color

Returns the terminal escape code to set the foreground color to the ANSI escape color code integer color. No checking is done for invalid color codes.

New in version 1.12.

Changed in version 2.0: Renamed from foreground_color.


__lp_battery_acpi() var:lp_battery, var:lp_battery_status

Returns the status and remaining capacity of the battery, as reported by the acpi tool. This function is available only on Linux, and requires acpi to be installed.

New in version 2.1.

__lp_battery_sysfs() var:lp_battery, var:lp_battery_status

Returns the status and remaining capacity of the battery, using sysfs. This is the default method. If multiple batteries are present, returns the status of the first battery found. This function is available only on Linux systems.

New in version 2.1.


__lp_git_diff_shortstat_files(diff_shortstat) var:lp_git_diff_shortstat_files

Processes the input diff_shortstat as the output of a git diff --shortstat command, returning the number of changed files. This allows for the comparison of any two states, as __lp_git_diff_shortstat_files() does not run any specific git diff command.

New in version 2.0.

__lp_git_diff_shortstat_lines(diff_shortstat) var:lp_git_diff_shortstat_lines

Processes the input diff_shortstat as the output of a git diff --shortstat command, returning the number of changed lines. This allows for the comparison of any two states, as __lp_git_diff_shortstat_files() does not run any specific git diff command.

New in version 2.0.

__lp_git_diff_shortstat_staged() var:_lp_git_diff_shortstat_staged

Returns the output of a git diff --shortstat command, comparing the staging area to the HEAD commit.

The return variable is supposed to be a cache, set as local in __lp_set_prompt(), preventing duplicate calls to git.

New in version 2.0.

__lp_git_diff_shortstat_uncommitted() var:_lp_git_diff_shortstat_uncommitted

Returns the output of a git diff --shortstat command, comparing the working directory to the HEAD commit.

The return variable is supposed to be a cache, set as local in __lp_set_prompt(), preventing duplicate calls to git.

New in version 2.0.

__lp_git_diff_shortstat_unstaged() var:_lp_git_diff_shortstat_unstaged

Returns the output of a git diff --shortstat command, comparing the working directory to the staging area.

The return variable is supposed to be a cache, set as local in __lp_set_prompt(), preventing duplicate calls to git.

New in version 2.0.


__lp_cpu_count() var:_lp_CPUNUM

Returns the number of CPUs on the machine. The implementation depends on the operating system.

New in version 2.0.


__lp_hostname_hash() var:lp_hostname_hash

Returns the hash of the hostname as computed by cksum.

New in version 2.0.



Terminate a multi-directory shortening, checking if the shortening actually made a shorter path, and if so, adding the shortened mark. If not, adds the real path to the output. Only used internally by _lp_path_format().

New in version 2.0.

__lp_get_unique_directory(path) var:lp_unique_directory

Returns the shortest unique directory prefix matching the real directory input. Only used internally by _lp_path_format().

New in version 2.0.

__lp_pwd_tilde([path]) var:lp_pwd_tilde

Returns path, or PWD if path is not set, with the user’s home directory replaced with a tilde (“~”).

Changed in version 2.0: Renamed from _lp_get_home_tilde_collapsed. Return method changed from stdout. Optional parameter path added.



Used only by Bash to hack the DEBUG trap to run functions before the user command executes.

Changed in version 2.1: Renamed from the Bash version of __lp_runtime_before.


Setup features that need to be handled outside of the themes, like _lp_error() (since last return code must be recorded first), non printing features like LP_ENABLE_RUNTIME_BELL and LP_ENABLE_TITLE, track current directory changes, and initialize data source cache variables. This function also calls the current theme functions.

Changed in version 2.0: Renamed from _lp_set_prompt.



Hooks into the shell to run directly after the user hits return on a command, to record the current time before the command runs.

Changed in version 2.0: Renamed from _lp_runtime_before.


Called by __lp_set_prompt() to run directly after the user command returns, to record the current time and calculate how long the command ran for.

Changed in version 2.0: Renamed from _lp_runtime_after.


__lp_theme_list() var:lp_theme_list

Returns an array of Liquid Prompt themes currently loaded in memory. Looks for functions matching _lp_*_theme_prompt.

New in version 2.0.

__lp_theme_bash_complete() var:COMPREPLY

Uses __lp_theme_list() to provide Bash autocompletion for lp_theme().

New in version 2.0.


Uses __lp_theme_list() to provide Zsh autocompletion for lp_theme().

New in version 2.0.


__lp_get_last_command_line() var:command

Returns the whole command line most recently submitted by the user.

New in version 2.1.


Sets the terminal title to the normal set title, postpended with the currently running command.

New in version 2.1.


__lp_temp_detect() var:_LP_TEMP_FUNCTION

Attempts to run the possible temperature backend functions below to find one that works correctly. When one correctly returns a value, it is saved to _LP_TEMP_FUNCTION for use by _lp_temperature().

Changed in version 2.0: Renamed from _lp_temp_detect.

Changed in version 2.1: No longer takes arguments of what backends to try.

__lp_temp_acpi() var:lp_temperature

A temperature backend using acpi.

Changed in version 2.0: Renamed from _lp_temp_acpi. Return variable changed from temperature.

__lp_temp_sensors() var:lp_temperature

A temperature backend using lm-sensors provided sensors.

Changed in version 2.0: Renamed from _lp_temp_sensors. Return variable changed from temperature.

__lp_temp_sysfs() var:lp_temperature

A temperature backend reading directly from the Linux sysfs file system.

New in version 2.1.


__lp_escape(string) var:ret

Escape shell escape characters so they print correctly in PS1.

In Bash, backslashes (\) are used to escape codes, so backslashes are replaced by two backslashes.

In Zsh, percents (%) are used to escape codes, so percents are replaced by two percents.

Changed in version 2.0: Renamed from _lp_escape. Return method changed from stdout.

__lp_floating_scale(number, scale) var:ret

Returns the input floating point number multiplied by the input scale. The input scale must be a power of 10.

Shells do not support floating point math, so this is used to scale up floating point numbers to integers with the needed precision.

New in version 2.0.


Returns true if function is the name of a function.

New in version 2.0.

__lp_line_count(string) var:count

Count the number of newline characters (\n) in string. A faster drop-in replacement for wc -l.

New in version 2.0.

__lp_strip_escapes(string) var:ret

Remove shell escape characters so string prints correctly in a terminal title, or can be measured for printing character length.

New in version 2.1.


__lp_wifi_signal_strength_raw() var:level

Returns the lowest raw wireless signal strength in dBm. Return 2 if no data is found.

Implementation depends on operating system. This function does not exist on all operating systems.

New in version 2.1.