Public Functions

These functions are designed to be used by users on the command line or in their config.


Reload the user config.

This function is called when sourcing liquidprompt, unless the flag --no-activate is passed.

The config is sourced, and the environment scanned again for programs needed for specific features.

Lastly, prompt_on() is called to enabled the prompt.

New in version 2.0.


Not to be confused with _lp_title().

Set title_string as the terminal title. This overrides any title set by the current theme.


The input string is not escaped in any way; if it contains characters that the shell will interpret, the user must escape them if that behavior is not desired.

To unset the manual title, call lp_title() with no arguments.

To set a blank title, call lp_title() with an empty string argument ('').

This function will do nothing and return 2 if LP_ENABLE_TITLE is 0.

New in version 2.0.

lp_theme(theme_id | --list)

Load and activate the theme named theme_id. The theme functions must be loaded into memory before lp_theme() can be called, normally by sourcing the theme file.

The optional flag --list will instead list all currently loaded themes.

The variable LP_THEME can be set to a theme name, which is essentially equivalent to calling this function. LP_THEME will always hold the currently active theme; it is updated by this function. If LP_THEME is set to an invalid theme name, it will be reset to the previous value.

This function supports shell autocompletion.

New in version 2.0.

Changed in version 2.2: LP_THEME reading and setting added.

lp_terminal_format(foreground_color[, background_color][, bold][, underline][, fallback_foreground_color][, fallback_background_color]) var:lp_terminal_format

Generate a shell escaped terminal formatting string for use in PS1.

The start of the formatting string always resets back to terminal defaults.

foreground_color and background_color accept an ANSI escape color code integer to set the color of the foreground and background, respectively. The behavior depends on the integer:

  • >= 0 && < max_color - The color is used directly.

  • >= max_color - If the terminal reports that the number of colors it supports is less than the input color code, the fallback_foreground_color or fallback_background_color is used instead.

  • -1 - No color is set. This does not mean that the previous color will continue over, as all formatting is reset to default at the start of the sequence. This means the default coloring is effectively set.

  • -2 - The previous color of the field is set. If no color was previously set, no color will be set. Note that the output is a static formatting string; the string will not keep the same color as the terminal previously had, but the color that was last selected when lp_terminal_format() was last run.

  • -3 - Same as -2, except the opposite field color is copied. In other words, if foreground_color is set to -3, it will copy the color of background_color the last time lp_terminal_format() was run.

bold and underline enable their respective formats when set to 1. If omitted or set to 0, they are not enabled. To use fallback colors, they will need to be set to be able to set the other options.

fallback_foreground_color and fallback_background_color are used when the normal colors are higher than the terminal supported colors. The special negative inputs do not work for these options, and they are not checked for compatibility before being used, so it is recommended that they are in the range 0-7. When setting foreground_color or background_color to negative inputs, these options are never checked.

For example, to set the error color to a bright, bold pink, with a fallback color of red:

lp_terminal_format 204 -1 1 0 1

To set the prompt mark color to black on a white background:

lp_terminal_format 0 7

New in version 2.0.


Enable the prompt generation and setting.

This function is called when sourcing liquidprompt, unless the flag --no-activate is passed.


Disable the prompt generation and setting, and restore the old PS1.

If the shell is Bash, also restore the old PROMPT_COMMAND.

If the shell is Zsh, also restore the old prompt theme.


Same as prompt_off(), except instead of restoring the previous PS1, it is set to “$ ” on Bash, “% ” on Zsh.


Sets a prefix that will be displayed before every prompt. Postpends a space to the input string.

Internally, this function sets LP_PS1_PREFIX to prefix_string. If a trailing space is not wanted, set LP_PS1_PREFIX manually.

To unset the prefix, call prompt_tag() with no arguments.