
Liquid Prompt has a strong data and theming engine, allowing it to be extremely flexible and customizable.

The Default Theme has a templating engine (previously called “themes” in Liquid Prompt version 1), that allows for custom prompt ordering in the default theme.

If you just want to change icons and/or colors, you can just rely on “presets”, which are just regular configuration files. Presets can generally be combined, and some themes may use —or be compatible with— different presets. See Config Options.

Liquid Prompt ships with some Included Themes other than the default as well.

See the Liquid Prompt Theme List on the wiki for user created themes.

If you want to create your own theme, see Custom Themes.

Switching Themes

In a nutshell

To use a theme, just source its file in your shell configuration file, after having load the liquidprompt, and then call lp_theme:

source <your_path>/liquidprompt
source <your_path>/themes/unfold/unfold.theme
lp_theme unfold

More Details

Liquid Prompt can switch between themes on the fly. The shell does not need to be reloaded, and no files need to be sourced after the initial source.

To load (but not activate) a theme, simply source the theme file. For example, to load the included Powerline theme, source the theme file:

$ source themes/powerline/powerline.theme

Now both the default theme and Powerline are loaded. To show what themes are loaded and available, run lp_theme():

$ lp_theme --list

To switch to a different theme, call lp_theme() with the name of the theme as the argument:

$ lp_theme powerline

The prompt will immediately take on the new theme.

To switch back to the default theme, call lp_theme() again with default as the argument instead.

If you add the theme source commands to your shell startup file, you will have your favorite themes ready to be switched to at any time.