Default Theme


If there is nothing special about the current context, the appearance of Liquid Prompt is similar to that of a default prompt:

[user:~] $

If you are running a background command and are also in the “main” branch of a Git repository on a server:

1& [user@server:~/liquidprompt] main ±

When Liquid Prompt is displaying nearly everything (a rare event!), it may look like this:

🕤 ⌁24% ⌂1.68 θ90° 3d/2&/1z [user@server:~/ … /liquidprompt/docs/theme ⚞3] [pyenv] main(+10/-5,+3/-1)+* 20s 125 ±

See Templates for what each section will look like.


As the default theme, all of the normal Config Options are respected.

LP_PS1_FILE: string = ""

A template file that is sourced for each prompt. Must set LP_PS1. See Templates for details.

LP_PS1: string = ""

If set, the default theme sets PS1 to this value. Not very useful to set it in the config, instead set it in the LP_PS1_FILE.


The default theme supports templated sections. Each piece of the theme is saved to a variable, and can be arranged in any order in a template. If you want to change the theme enough to move things around, but not enough to make your own theme, templates will let you change the order of the default theme’s pieces.

As the default theme of Liquid Prompt was the only theme until version 2.0, templates were sometimes referred to as “themes” in version 1.X.

For a template file to be loaded, its filepath must be set in LP_PS1_FILE.

A template file does nothing more than set LP_PS1 to a value. The following sections are available to be used.

An example template file is available: minimal.ps1.

Template Sections

All of the available template sections are listed below. Their order is the default order if the user does not configure a different template.

Sections of the prompt.


Omitting a template section from your template will not disable that feature. While it will not be displayed in the prompt, Liquid Prompt does not know that, and will still generate that template section. If you want to speed up your prompt by disabling a section, you must disable it with its respective LP_ENABLE_* option.


Not actually a part of the default theme, it is used in the default template as the starting section. See LP_PS1_PREFIX and prompt_tag() for details.


The current time, displayed as either numeric values or as an analog clock, depending on the value of LP_TIME_ANALOG. See LP_ENABLE_TIME.


The current battery status:

  • a green ⏚ (LP_MARK_BATTERY) if charging, above the given threshold, but not charged

  • a yellow ⏚ if charging and under the given threshold

  • a yellow ⌁ (LP_MARK_ADAPTER) if discharging but above the given threshold

  • a red ⌁ if discharging and under the given threshold

And if LP_PERCENTS_ALWAYS is enabled, also the current battery percent. See LP_ENABLE_BATT.


The average of the processors load, displayed with an intensity color map as load increases. See LP_ENABLE_LOAD.


The highest temperature of the available system sensors, displayed with an intensity color map as temperature increases. See LP_ENABLE_TEMP.


The lowest wireless signal strength, displayed with an intensity color map as strength decreases. See LP_ENABLE_WIFI_STRENGTH.

New in version 2.1.


The number of detached sessions. See LP_ENABLE_DETACHED_SESSIONS.

Also the number of running and sleeping shell jobs. See LP_ENABLE_JOBS.


An opening bracket, designed to go around the core of the prompt (generally user, host, current working directory). See LP_MARK_BRACKET_OPEN.

If running in a terminal multiplexer, will be colored. See LP_COLOR_IN_MULTIPLEXER.


The current user, in bold yellow if it is root and in light white if it is not the same as the login user. See LP_USER_ALWAYS.


A green @ if the connection has X11 support; a yellow one if not.

The current host – in bold red if you are connected via a telnet connection and blue (or other unique colors) if connected via SSH. See LP_HOSTNAME_ALWAYS.


A green colon (LP_MARK_PERM) if the user has write permissions in the current directory and a red one if not. See LP_ENABLE_PERM.


The current working directory in bold, shortened if it takes too much space. See LP_ENABLE_SHORTEN_PATH.


The size of the directory stack, prefixed with LP_MARK_DIRSTACK, all colored with LP_COLOR_DIRSTACK. Can be enabled by LP_ENABLE_DIRSTACK.

New in version 2.0.


A closing bracket, designed to go around the core of the prompt (generally user, host, current working directory). See LP_MARK_BRACKET_CLOSE.

If running in a terminal multiplexer, will be colored. See LP_COLOR_IN_MULTIPLEXER.


A ↥ (LP_MARK_PROXY) if an HTTP proxy is in use. See LP_ENABLE_PROXY.


Some user-defined environment variable’s states. Watched variables should be defined in the LP_ENV_VARS array.

Set variables are displayed in bold blue, unset variables in blue. See also LP_ENABLE_ENV_VARS.

New in version 2.2.


The number of nested shells, prefixed with LP_MARK_SHLVL, all colored with LP_COLOR_SHLVL. Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_SHLVL.

New in version 2.1.


Sections related to development environments (see section dev_env below).


New in version 2.2.

  • The name of the current branch if you are in a version control repository (Git, Mercurial, Subversion, Bazaar, or Fossil):

    • in green if everything is up-to-date

    • in red if there are changes

    • in yellow if there are pending commits to push

  • The number of added/deleted lines if changes have been made and the number of pending commits

  • The number of commits ahead/behind the remote tracking branch

  • A yellow + (LP_MARK_STASH) if there are stashed modifications

  • a red * (LP_MARK_UNTRACKED) if there are untracked files in the repository


The runtime of the last command, if it has exceeded a certain threshold. See LP_ENABLE_RUNTIME.


The error code of the last command, if it is non-zero. See LP_ENABLE_ERROR.


A guess on the meaning of the last error. See LP_ENABLE_ERROR_MEANING and LP_ERR.

New in version 2.2.


Not actually a part of the default theme, it is used in the default template as the last thing before the prompt mark. See LP_MARK_PREFIX for details.


Bold normally, red if you have sudo rights or for the root user.

Separate from LP_MARK for historical reasons.


A smart mark at the end of the prompt:


Not actually a part of the default theme, it is used in the default template as the final section. See LP_PS1_POSTFIX for details.

Development environment sections

Version 2.2 of Liquid Prompt introduced a new way to display all sections related to development environments. All the data below are now items in the LP_DEV_ENV list, joined by LP_MARK_DEV_MID and surrounded by LP_MARK_DEV_OPEN and LP_MARK_DEV_CLOSE.

If you want to change the ordering or have different marks for different items, you can derive your own theme template and use the following sections.


The current Red Hat Software Collections environment. See LP_ENABLE_SCLS.


The current active AWS Profile. See LP_ENABLE_AWS_PROFILE.

New in version 2.1.


The container status for the current shell. See LP_ENABLE_CONTAINER.

New in version 2.1.


The current Python (or Conda) virtual environment. See LP_ENABLE_VIRTUALENV.


The current Node.js virtual environment. See LP_ENABLE_NODE_VENV.

New in version 2.1.


The current Perl virtual environment. See LP_ENABLE_PERL_VENV.

New in version 2.2.


The current Ruby virtual environment. See LP_ENABLE_RUBY_VENV.

New in version 2.1.


The current Terraform workspace. See LP_ENABLE_TERRAFORM.

New in version 2.1.


The current Kubernetes context. See LP_ENABLE_KUBECONTEXT.

New in version 2.1.


Variables from CMake cache configured in this directory:

  • the base name of the compiler (without the path),

  • the configured generator (without spaces, some of them shortened),

  • the build type.


New in version 2.2.